Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New day

The beginning of a new day. And it happens to be election day, this morning I opened my e-mails and I found my Air-1 verse of the day to be quite appropriate for this event....

"But the Lord said to Samuel, don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
1 samuel 16:7

Praise the Lord everyone, Praise the Lord! And this morning had the most beautiful sunrise, His blessings are great and abundant, we just have to open our eyes and look for them. Have a blessed day, let's close with a prayer.
Heavenly Father, thank you for all that You do, noticed and unnoticed, I ask you Lord that You open our eyes to the abundant blessings that only You are able provide. I pray for our church family everywhere with their own individual needs and as a whole, to stay strong in Your word so that we may be great warriors for You during this time of battle. We love you father! And I pray for the unbelievers that may they hear Your still small voice and search diligently for the comforting relationship that only You can fill within their hearts. Thank you Father for each breath you give us and guide each of our steps... A-men